Wednesday 10 September 2008

A short while later...

Time is a very important thing, just ask Alice and she'll tell you all about the distraction a person (or a rabbit) can be when they're late. As a person who is normally early on many occasions, often to meet with friends who are only ever late, time keeping has never been a problem for me.

I have however had problems with watches. And so I have a large collection of broken straps and watches, but no watch. Instead I have resorted to digging around in my bag for my phone whenever I wish to know the time.

It is either that or ask someone with a watch - something infinitely worse in my opinion; eyes are always rolled and more often than not you'll be told "it's time to get a watch".

So I've been thinking that it wouldn't do at all to go to university and become known as 'the girl who constantly wishes to know the time'. Veering away from my normally small budget for watches I decided to look for something different. Here is what I found - who knows maybe I can talk my dad around and I'll become 'the girl with that strange - but cool - watch'

          1. poetsummer

          2. Rohm

          3. moxieandoliver

          4. JustALittleOffCenter

          5. veryvintage

          6. PenFelt

          Don't you just love 1 and 2? I can see them looking brilliant on my wrist. And wouldn't the hair clips and felt 'watch' be fun :-)

          On a side note SassyApron is having a giveaway of one of her cupcake aprons over at Her aprons are adorable and shouldn't be relegated to the home, her cuts and prints make me think they could be worn outside - or at least, for the less brave, to a fancy dress party.

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